Friday, March 09, 2007

Education for the Internet Generation

In a world where we are increasingly integrated with web 2.0 in and throughout our lives, education based in that internet becomes more and more important. Lets face it. Whatever puny amounts of information a student might memorize out of a text book will always be available to him at the click of a button in the world he or she will graduate into. The skills our students will need are not memorization and regurgitation. They will need to be able to analyze what a good source of information is. They will need to be able to not just pass a test about content, but to create new content based on what they know. They will need to have skills not just with Powerpoint, Word, and Excell. They will need to know how to assimilate new programs easily, navigate, and create in a digital environment. They will need to know how to balance their digital lives and memberships with their real (in person) lives. Are we readying them for the world in which they will live?

Until recently I would have said that the school system that I pride myself on being a part of was doing its job....ok. I would have said that the above photo illustrated experiential learning and that it was an example of good teaching at work. Now I would say no. This is an example of common teaching methods right now, but not of what needs to be happening. If you have not already you should watch the movie Shift Happens on It discusses the shifts happening in the world today and possibly in the future.

What do you think? Do we need to change the way we teach? If we do how do you think that change should look? Are the ideas expressed here extreme or are they needed?

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